Do You Have a Passion?

Do you notice that things get done, causes get addressed and wrongs get righted when people who have a passion for life get involved? While many people sit on the sidelines and watch, people with passion become movers and shakers and their passion becomes contagious to inspire and motivate others into action. Our local Church need people with passion to become more active with their Catholic faith and get involved so that the Holy Spirit can lead us to become a holier Church.

Here are a few areas I would like to see people with passion step forth to lead:

  • A person or persons to help us become more involved in Respect Life Issues
  • A person or persons to help with our ongoing growth in our Faith and Spirituality
  • A person or persons to coordinate pilgrimages to local or national shrines
  • A person or persons to work on building bridges in the area of Ecumenism and Interfaith activities
  • A person or persons to help promote vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life
  • A person or persons to help form a Marriage Team to provide support in preparation for Marriage and foster strength for Married Couples after Marriage.
  • A person or persons to organize a Young AT Heart Club for senior citizens
  • A person or persons to form a Bereavement Team
  • A person or persons to help organize a renewed Hospitality Committee

In addition, there are many other areas for people with passion to consider that directly related to our worship at Church, for example:

  • To join the two other women who launder the church linens used for Holy Mass
  • To become a sacristan for weekend and weekday liturgies
  • To become a Minister of Welcome and Hospitality as an Usher
  • To become a Lector, an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion
  • To become a member of the Choir, as a cantor or musician
  • To become an altar server-youths and adults

If the Holy Spirit is stirring within you, then continue to pray about it and then come and talk with me or any other staff member at either Rectory.

Sacred Heart Rectory: or 610-623-0409
St. Charles Borromeo Rectory: or 610-623-3800

Our Church needs people of passion-passion in their love for God and neighbor; passion to serve Christ in and for His Church, for our good and the good of others!

God bless,
Monsignor George A. Majoros